If the president of the united states talks about commiting suicide, do the secret service have to arrest him?
Author: Bob
Inquiring minds want to know
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School’s out update
Oh yeah, meant to post about this earlier. Remember that post I made about a week ago saying I was convinced I had blown the final exam for my summer class, and thought it had ruined my streak of straight As? Well I was wrong. I got a 90, and I got a 100 on the project, which gave me a nice solid A. Go me.
Consumer Whore
ADV is having another sale
But i’m not gonna blog about it this time. I mean it.
I just did.
Schoooool’s out for summer! AND: Summer project
Summer semester is mostly over! Had my final exam tonight, turned in my final project, and I just have to go in briefly on tuesday to get my my final grade. I’m afraid I may have broken my straight-A streak, though- unless I did better on the exam than I think I did, I’m gonna get a B for the course. Granted, that’s not a bad grade, but it’s still kinda a let-down after this long streak of As i’ve had. I can’t help but think that I wasn’t putting enough effort into the studying for this class. I didn’t totally slack off, but I didn’t put as much effort into it as I have in my other classes. Definitely gotta cut that shit out come fall semester.
In other news: I’ve had an idea knocking around my head for a while for a web page. I don’t wanna reveal too much here, but it’s gonna require me to make a fairly complicated MySQL database. Anyone reading this know of any graphical MySQL DB creation tools? Or tutorials on how to do it non-graphically? I know how to design it, I just dont know how to physically create it, and i’d preffer a fairly easy way to do it. I’ve been trying to use MySQL workbench, but it’s a bit.. finicky about actually keeping changes I make to tables. Plus, I can’t figure out a way to actually DELETE a field,and I actually messed up and made a few fields I want to delete.
Vestibulum condimentum dignissim ante. Duis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis scelerisque velit quis libero. Aenean semper lacus eget dolor! Phasellus rhoncus. Aenean lectus. Ut est lectus, bibendum vitae, pellentesque pellentesque, porttitor et, diam? Suspendisse lacus. Vivamus purus nulla, aliquet ac, sodales quis, pharetra a, justo! In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus odio. Donec euismod risus sit amet quam. Sed posuere risus eget dolor. Maecenas volutpat tincidunt ligula. Nulla facilisi!

Donec quis diam nec neque nonummy interdum. Maecenas pharetra ipsum a nulla! Nullam nec nulla. Nulla vehicula. Suspendisse viverra blandit nibh. Quisque blandit mi eu mauris. Aenean libero arcu, sagittis non, interdum sed, volutpat vitae, nunc. Sed sem. Vivamus at turpis. Donec vulputate porttitor dui? Suspendisse vel purus rhoncus magna auctor laoreet. Morbi felis orci, auctor eget, eleifend quis, fermentum at, ante? Suspendisse vel nisi. Aenean metus nulla, molestie et, rhoncus in, faucibus id, ligula! Curabitur tincidunt pede eget neque.

Cras hendrerit. Sed ac enim quis felis semper feugiat. Fusce suscipit, eros elementum dapibus elementum, neque nibh rhoncus ligula, ac mattis lorem nisi id est.