ADV had a sale for the last three days and I didn’t even notice, let alone post about it.  That’s a good thing, probably.
Author: Bob
No Roger No Rerun
No Rent!
Casper returns
So I had another encounter today. I was sitting in the living room studying, when something moving caught my eye. I looked up and saw something near mirror. My camera was sitting right next to me, so I grabbed it and snapped this picture. After examining it, I noticed something IN the mirror too.
Right after I snapped that picture, the thing moved, into the center of the room. I took another picture, and it showed up again-
Whatever this thing was took off out of the room. I followed it into the dining room, and lost track of it for a minute. I started snapping pictures like mad, hoping something would show up on them (nothing did that I could see) but in the middle of that I spotted it again, in the corner of the room
I started to move to get a better angle on my pictures. The thing started moving again at the same time- this time towards me
It actually went over the table (could’ve been passing through- i’m not sure. It wasn’t completely visible the whole time), and about a foot before it reached me, it disspapated (sp?). I managed to get this picture right before it vanished.
I kept taking pictures after that hoping I’d see something not visible, but nothing showed up after that one above, and I haven’t seen anything in the house since.
EDIT: I just noticed today’s date is 6/6/06 should I be worried?
My house is haunted

I have proof!
More free advertising from me!
This time it’s not quite as bad, though.
A friend of mine is selling some of her stuff to prepare for a move.  She’s created a livejournal account to do it.
Click here to go see what she’s got. Some of it might interest you.  Of course, 90% of the people reading this will have already seen it when she posted it in her regular LJ, so this is probably redundant.
Jeeze, ADV! Enough with the sales!
They’re doing it AGAIN.  What’s UP with that?  Go buy cheap anime!  I’m talking to YOU. You know who you are.