Morbi feugiat enim non libero.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam quam. Pellentesque nec erat. Vivamus nulla turpis, vestibulum nec, feugiat sed, vestibulum ut, diam. Pellentesque sed metus. Proin non enim at mauris malesuada venenatis. Vestibulum dignissim. Cras mollis massa et mi. Cras vestibulum, risus ac pulvinar dapibus, orci eros condimentum est, eu viverra odio dui at lectus. Nunc pharetra tempus velit. Sed sed velit et massa convallis posuere. Ut nonummy. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin at felis eu nisl consequat ornare. Aliquam bibendum. Sed fringilla massa vitae odio. Aliquam mattis tincidunt dolor. Aliquam egestas. Nam semper odio quis dui vulputate molestie. Praesent lobortis pede id nunc ultricies suscipit. Mauris porta velit et leo. Ut blandit fringilla velit. Morbi ipsum. Fusce diam lacus, consectetuer eget, dignissim convallis, condimentum quis, felis. In sagittis. Vestibulum eget eros. Sed molestie, nisl ac nonummy nonummy, lorem nibh eleifend turpis, eu pharetra nisl ipsum ac nisl. Morbi leo est, egestas non, ullamcorper eu, adipiscing condimentum, urna.

I accidentally earned another degree

At the end of last semester, I graduated from the Computer Systems program. I am starting to work on Electronic Game and Simulation Design this semester, but I didn’t want to change my major until I knew for a fact that I was going to get credit for graduating. I finally found out that I was, so today I went to the office and put in the change of major form.

Tonight, I decided to log on and check to see if it had gone through yet. I noticed that I was listed as a liberal studies major- which is no big deal, as thats what the default major is. It just means the change hasn’t gone through yet. But on a whim, I decided to run a program evaluation on liberal studies just to see what it said- and, lo and behold, the Pre-calculus class I’m currently enrolled in as part of the game design program is the one and only class I need to graduate as a liberal studies major. So, in the process of working on two degrees, it seems I’m going to completely accidentally earn a third.

Aint that crazy?

New “design”

I figured it was time for a bit of a change, so I updated the design on  It’s not really a new design, though- I just re-did all of the images.