Dontcha just love the way people just attribute songs to whoever on the file sharing networks? This is another one I’m not sure why I have..
Author: Bob
THIS song I HATE. Why do I even HAVE this?!
I love this song
I have no idea why,
It be my day off! I should probably take advantage of this and go to the bank,but knowing me I’m just gonna put it off until it’s too late. I should also probably work on an update for Spirit in the Contraption.. but, I’m probably not gonna do that either. Why put off until tomorrow what I can put off until the next day?
I’m so confused…
I paid for a 2 month paid live journal account,which supposedly means I can design my own journal page. I dont see HOW, though. Ugh, yet another challenge.
And so it begins
Day one of my very own livejournal Let’s see if anyone actually gives a damn about what I have to say here.
Why am I making a livejournal? Well, I’ve been spending a great deal of time lately talking to The Harper and Kierstal, both of whom use livejournal. In addition, I noticed that my brother-in-law has been keeping a blog of his own. So I figured… heck, if its good enough for them, its good enough for me. This might give me a good way to blow off some steam, anyway.
I’m using this LiveJournal update software.. its interesting to me that this even exists. I figured updates would be through the web browser only. Shows how much I know.
Don’t really have much of anything to say, at the moment, aside from what i’ve already written. I had a confusing time getting this set up, and its late, so I think i’m gonna go to bed now that i’ve done my first update.