So I had another encounter today. I was sitting in the living room studying, when something moving caught my eye. I looked up and saw something near mirror. My camera was sitting right next to me, so I grabbed it and snapped this picture. After examining it, I noticed something IN the mirror too.
Right after I snapped that picture, the thing moved, into the center of the room. I took another picture, and it showed up again-
Whatever this thing was took off out of the room. I followed it into the dining room, and lost track of it for a minute. I started snapping pictures like mad, hoping something would show up on them (nothing did that I could see) but in the middle of that I spotted it again, in the corner of the room
I started to move to get a better angle on my pictures. The thing started moving again at the same time- this time towards me
It actually went over the table (could’ve been passing through- i’m not sure. It wasn’t completely visible the whole time), and about a foot before it reached me, it disspapated (sp?). I managed to get this picture right before it vanished.
I kept taking pictures after that hoping I’d see something not visible, but nothing showed up after that one above, and I haven’t seen anything in the house since.
EDIT: I just noticed today’s date is 6/6/06 should I be worried?
hahhaha. very funny joke. very funny.